Spectrobes Wiki

Ryza, a Child Spectrobe.

A recently awakened Spectrobe is only in child form. It's like a newborn baby. They can't fight, but they're very useful. They can help you locate buried fossils and minerals!
Aldous, Spectrobes.

Child (幼体 yōtai, juvenile) Spectrobes are the first and basic form of most Spectrobes. The Child form is the form in which a Spectrobe emerges when they are awakened as a fossil. Although they cannot battle, they are useful in that they are the only type of Spectrobes that can search for minerals, fossils, and other objects outside of battle. Child Spectrobes evolve into Adult Spectrobes after meeting certain conditions.

In Spectrobes they evolve after spending a certain amount of time in an incubator and having a stat or their level enhanced to a certain value, or if fed the star shaped Evolve Mineral in this game (unrelated to the one mentioned below). All stat enhancements and current Minergy are lost upon evolution. They have a search radius and some cannot find certain objects, for example, Gejio cannot find fossils in this game, but all can find Cubes.

In Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals, a Child form evolves when it eats a certain number of minerals. They also have a search range, giving them the ability to find minerals within a certain range. Some spectrobes, including all Child form Dark Spectrobes, Gejio, Danawa and Azeko, have enhanced Fossil, Mineral and/or Cube finding powers, indicated by the symbol flashing white in the specrobe summary and Database screens for that spectrobe.

In Spectrobes: Origins, a Spectrobe evolves from its Child form when it reaches level 5 and is fed an Evolve Mineral.

List of Child Forms[]

