Spectrobes Wiki
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Currently featuring 809 articles purely on Spectrobes content!
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Flashsymbol Trivia

In Spectrobes: OriginsKomadoros has 4 sets of claws, but in the official artwork he doesn't.

BTP Area of Effect Statistics
As of 25 January 2025, Saturday, 03:14 local time:
Edits: 26,140 Pages: 7,003
Articles: 809 Uploaded Files: 4,376
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Aurora Community Messages

Google Poly is shutting down June 30th, 2021. This will disable the majority of 3D Models on this wiki. Though a Sketchfab extension is available, it is highly unlikely that the platform will allow uploads of copyrighted assets. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated at my talk page.

- Brandon, Dec 12th 2020
