Titanium, one of the many minerals that gives Minergy to Spectrobes.
Minergy (or "Mineral Energy"), represents the amount of power a Spectrobe contains. It is a kind of experience point that Spectrobes use to level up and increase their stats. Minergy levels are only found in Spectrobes.
There are three kinds of Minergy, these being Health, Attack, and Defense. Whenever a stat bar of these three types fills, the corresponding stat for that Spectrobe will increase, and the Spectrobe gains a level. Minergy is acquired through participating in battle and feeding minerals to the Spectrobes in the Incubator.
Minergy-giving Minerals[]
Basic Minerals[]
- Health C: +8 HP
- Health B: +16 HP
- Health A: +24 HP
- Health A+: +32 HP
- Power C: +8 ATK
- Power B: +16 ATK
- Power A: +24 ATK
- Power A+: +32 ATK
- Def C: +8 DEF
- Def B: +16 DEF
- Def A: +24 DEF
- Def A+: +32 DEF
Combo Minerals[]
- Jade: +8 HP/ATK
- Amber: +16 HP/ATK
- Citrine: +40 HP, -16 ATK
- Fluorite: +8 HP/DEF
- Coral: +16 HP/DEF
- Spinal: +30 HP, -8 DEF
- Agate: +8 ATK/DEF
- Lazuli: +16 ATK/DEF
- Zircon: +30 ATK, -8 HP
- Graphite: +30 ATK, -8 DEF
- Onyx: +40 ATK, -16 DEF
- Sylvite: +30 DEF, -8 HP
- Garnet: +30 DEF, -8 ATK
- Azurite: +40 DEF, -16 HP
Special Minerals[]
- Chrome: Max HP, -16 ATK and DEF
- Uranium: Max ATK, -16 HP and DEF
- Titanium: Max DEF, -16 HP and ATK
- Platinum: +5 all
- Pearl: +12 all
- Sapphire: +24 all
- Emerald: +36 all
- Ruby: +50 all