Spectrobes Wiki

Professor Wright is a supporting character in Spectrobes and Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals. He studies fossils and runs a fossil research laboratory on Genshi. He then establishes a Spectrobes research laboratory on Kollin after the events of the first game.


Professor Wright is the main researcher of the Fossil Research Lab on Genshi. In the game, he is a non-playable minor character who gets trapped by black vortexes. After being saved by Rallen, he gives away a rare fossil he had found, which is an Aopod with a Custom Part.

Spectrobes Beyond the Portals[]

In Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals, Wright is shown at the new Spectrobes research laboratory on Kollin during the invasion of the Krawl. There he had been studying the three properties of Spectrobes, but had to evacuate due to the invasion and didn't have enough time to backup the Spectrobe database. Later, a new Spectrobes research lab is established inside the Nanairo Planetary Patrol Headquarters for Wright to resume work.

While Rallen and Jeena look for the High Krawl on Genshi, Wright explains the Flash Property and Custom Parts to them.

When Rallen finds Aldous's Prizmod, he gives it to Wright to examine it in hopes of locating Aldous.

