Spectrobe Masters are individuals capable of commanding the Spectrobes, they are chosen by the Spectrobes to lead them.
Spectrobe Masters are the only ones that can awaken the Spectrobes with their voice and command them in battle. They will not respond to another person's commands, with the exception of the master's partner.
Bond with Spectrobes[]
"There is a special bond between fossils and Spectrobe Masters. The creatures live with their master, fight alongside them, and when the master passes away, their Spectrobes fall back into a fossilized state until the next master comes along. They are passed down from master to master, like some ancient teaching.
When a Spectrobe falls back into slumber, they sometimes take with them special memories and messages from their former master. When another Spectrobe Master comes in contact with the fossil, the Spectrobe can sometimes show them the memory through a flashback or sorts."
Kentaro Hisai. Producer. Disney Interactive Studios (Japan)
Spectrobe masters have had a single repeated role throughout history, that is to use their Spectrobes to battle and defeat Krawl. This is especially notable during the Great Krawl War in which a hundred Spectrobe masters are said to have battled a Krawl invasion. In modern times, Aldous and Rallen are also known to carry out this role in their respective Star Systems. Krux and Maja* are the only known masters to have abandoned this role.
Known Spectrobe Masters[]
- Aldous - A master from Giorna, becoming a master at an unknown age.
- Rallen - A master from Nanairo, becoming a master at 17 during the events of Spectrobes.
- Krux - A master from Kaio, becoming a master at an unknown age and later being corrupted by Krawl and abandoning his role.
- Maja* - Only shown to use Dark Spectrobes. It is unknown if this qualifies her as a Spectrobe master.